Student Corner

Top 3 Mistakes that Pakistani Students make while choosing a career

Choosing a course line is of great importance for all students. And other than being important, it is also the most crucial and sometimes quite a confusing task especially I am talking from the perspective of a Pakistani student. Students in Pakistan make many mistakes while deciding on a specific area of studies for their higher studies. And even parents do make lots of mistakes in the starting of a child educational career as in the start a young student couldn't decide himself/herself so it's totally up to the parents in which direction they send their child. Unfortunately, most of the parents do make huge mistakes at this step. Today I am not going to discuss from a parent perspective but from a student's point of view who is just going to start his/her higher studies.

Below I have mentioned top 3 mistakes made by most of the students along with the helpful tips and suggestions to avoid them.

Following your parents' choice:

Although this subheading may have seemed quite strange to some of you or perhaps most of you, but this is really a very helpful suggestion and if you ignored this you would definitely be regretting on some day of your future life. Most of the students just choose a career based on their parents choice like your father wants to see you as a doctor so to just fulfill his desire you have decided to go to the filed of medical sciences. Well, respecting and following your parents' advice is of course good and appreciable but this is not always the case. In certain situation in your life, you need to discuss with your parents, argue and try to convince them to something that you think is better. And one thing I can assure you that most of the times you would be able convince them.


Attraction to the heavy salaries: 

This is yet another very big mistake that Pakistani students and, I think, students all around the world make. No doubt, everyone likes attractive salary package but that should never be the only thing in deciding which filed you are going to choose. Also, the person from whom you are inspired(from his/her salary) might have reached that position after years of laborious work and you might have an assumption that you will reach that level from the very beginning of your professional career. Also, there is another big reality that you should never miss is that not everyone belonging to a certain profession earns the same amount of money. It is quite possible that you might only be looking at people who who are at the top and you just miss out thousands of those who also have the same degree but are earning relatively lower amounts of money. So, making money a sole criteria is one of the bigger mistakes that Pakistani students make.

Choosing what is popular:

It has been noticed that most of the students just choose a study-area that they think is popular and to which most of their friends are going. They don't consider any other point and if you ask any of such students that why have you chosen this field, the reply most likely would be something like this: it's popular and it has a boom time now and also future is of this filed. Well, being popular doesn't mean that this is a boom time for any certain degree and in most of the cases there is no way to check whether a particular degree will have much worth in future or not as technological field is progressing at the fastest pace ever so anything can happen the next moment or at least next day.

So, what is the solution? How a student in Pakistan particularly and worldwide in general should choose his filed of studies?

The first priority must be given to your personal interest. Something that you have an interest in is always better to adopt as a study-line and a full time career later on. The next important point is to check whether you have the abilities to excel in any particular filed or not. Like people in marketing filed do need to exhibit some personal traits that are of course different from those expected from a medical professional. Also, certain people have better mental aptitude in some particular area while others might not be as good to learn and adopt new things in that field. Like, for example,  some people are naturally good at computer programing and they might not be as good at marketing or medicine related studies so for such people computer programming is of course the better choice as they can learn quickly and have better chances to excel others in that field. 

1 comment:

  1. I suggest you that you should gain vast knowledge on general knowledge topics of the world to get a good job . without general knowledge base skilled, you cannot be able to get your desire job in the modern world

    general knowledge
